International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Career Development (ICECD) was founded in 1986 by experts in the field of entrepreneurship, economics, technology,behavioral science and small industries management.
ICECD became a novel institution with the conviction that "Development and Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises” are highly effective tools to create long term, sustainable employment and self employment opportunities in the country."
ICECD's major interventions have been in the area of Entrepreneurship Development, SME Development,
Employment creation through entrepreneurship and skills training, Micro Credit Management and Economic Empowerment, among youth/women/ disadvantaged groups of urban, rural and tribal populations. These successful experiences have been replicated across India, and in +55 developing/under developed countries. ICECD has not only continuously developed and implemented these unique programs, but insists finalize through Training of Trainers and transferred these models to over 1350 national and 950 international organizations..
Most of ICECD's interventions are targeted towards betterment of those who are socio economically at the "Bottom of the Society", with the chief focus being on identifying "The Capable" among these disadvantaged groups and empowering them..
Working with the formal education system, ICECD has developed managerial/business skills of the technically qualified students in colleges and schools, which enables them to explore both options - Employment and Self-Employment. There a few need-based models have been developed for the education institutions like Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), Ministry of Agriculture, Tribal and Rural Development..
While working with these populations, we have strengthened our relationships with the women, men and children in association with Corporates and spread its umbrella to the sectors like entrepreneurship development, education, employment, upgradation of political performance, improvement of formal education, adult education, adolescent and youth development. ICECD is greatly indebted to our Corporates like Amazon Cares, Tata Group, Bajaj Group, and many more. Ultimately, all our work is directed towards changing lives, and helping women and girls achieve their economic independence..
As an innovative initiative, the Institute has implemented courses on Post-Graduate Diploma in various fields including entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship since 2004. Now with these need-based inputs, within the formal education system of colleges and universities, have been institutionalized and most of them created entrepreneurship Cell..
By now, ICECD entrepreneurs (over 2,00,000) (100,000 world-wide) have made investment of 1500 million. Our partners are Government of India, ILO, UNIDO, UNICEF, UNFPA, CARE India, CARE International, Commonwealth, DANIDA and World Bank Group for implementing programs in India and other countries..
We recognize that our success is founded on partnership, be it with Government, Corporate, Non-Governmental Organizations, Academic Institutions.